• Question: do you want for everyone to be a scientist?????

    Asked by nicenadia to Alessandro, Angela, Claudia, Marina, Phil on 9 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Claudia Krehl

      Claudia Krehl answered on 9 Mar 2013:

      I don’t think that everyone should be a scientist. Instead I think people should pursue what they are good at and what they love the most. In order to have a functioning society and community we need people doing all sorts of different stuff. I think it would be boring if we would all do the same thing and it would probably end in chaos.

    • Photo: Marina De Vos

      Marina De Vos answered on 9 Mar 2013:

      No, the world would be dull place if we all wanted to do the same thing.
      Variety is what makes life interesting and constantly changing/evolving

    • Photo: Alessandro Guazzi

      Alessandro Guazzi answered on 10 Mar 2013:

      Absolutely not! It would be good if everyone understood how science works and knew a little bit about science just because now everything around you is based on it, but I think everyone has their own talents and they need not be science! I wasn’t even sure of becoming a scientist myself (I really love history) so I would not want anyone to be forced to do it. I find that people who have really found something that they enjoy doing will be great at it and a lot happier, whatever it is they end up doing.
