• Question: How do you create a website or game, and do you need any qualifications or a specific age? :)

    Asked by pianoman11 to Alessandro, Angela, Claudia, Marina, Phil on 15 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Claudia Krehl

      Claudia Krehl answered on 15 Mar 2013:

      It really doesn’t matter how old you are. I think the most important thing for a website or a game is a good idea, otherwise no one will visit your website or play your game.

      For both of these you need some programming skills, but there is also a lot of software available now so that you can create websites without having to program them yourself. For instance you can easily make you own blog. To make a game on a mobile you could use things like app Furnace and there is similar software for computer games. All of these are a good start! But if you want to be able to control everything that is happening on your website or in your game you are better off learning how to program.

    • Photo: Phillip Wilkinson

      Phillip Wilkinson answered on 17 Mar 2013:

      Totally agree with Claudia!

      Coding is actually very easy and kinda fun. Check out this website, absolutely amazing for learning the basics -> http://www.codecademy.com/

      There was a 16 year old kid, who made his first smart phone app at 12, made the app Summly. It summarizes websites, so you don’t have to waste time going to it. Now he’s got a hundred thousand of investment, So age or qualifications don’t matter at all!
