• Question: Is there a parallel earth? Surely if there are infinite galaxies then there will be a planet which sustains life, is this true?

    Asked by fb190512 to Alessandro, Angela, Claudia, Marina, Phil on 19 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Phillip Wilkinson

      Phillip Wilkinson answered on 19 Mar 2013:

      This is very true, and the boffins over at NASA have already discovered a few Super Earths, which just means planets that are like Earth but usually bigger.

      Talking specifically about exoplanets (planets outside our solar system), then Kepler 22B looks the most promising -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nS7A2oFTkfA

      Apparently we have already discovered 23000 potential planets but it is predicted that the number of Super Earths is in the billions! -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRUxKARZxCk

      Also, according to my brother who is a Dr of Astrobiology, then Mars and Europa (One of Jupiter’s moons is our best bet in the Solar System).
