• Question: what will happen when someone will play video games for about 2 whole days just looking at the tv ?

    Asked by saida1234 to Alessandro, Angela, Claudia, Marina, Phil on 18 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Phillip Wilkinson

      Phillip Wilkinson answered on 18 Mar 2013:

      I would not recommend it.

      There are a few new stories coming out from East Asia of people playing games for 48 hours at a time and eventually dying from it. Whether this is purely due to being sat in one position, or a pre-existing condition or the games themselves we are unsure.

      Physically, you’re muscles will become stiff from inaction and you are likely to develop cramp, pull muscles and generally ache. You’re eyes will also be very tired. Part of the problem with video games and media in general is that we focus at a specific distance for too long, which can lead to long term sight problems. You also require sleep! so your body can repair itself and commit things to long term memory.

      However! The current world record for longest gaming session is roughly 178 hours. Though to ensure safety he was forced to take regular breaks!

    • Photo: Angela Marqui

      Angela Marqui answered on 18 Mar 2013:

      As well explained by Phillip, there a plenty of reasons for not doing that!
