• Question: what would you do if you were not a scientist?

    Asked by dkasali to Alessandro, Angela, Claudia, Marina, Phil on 14 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Claudia Krehl

      Claudia Krehl answered on 14 Mar 2013:

      I think there are a lot of options I have. I could go into consulting, running businesses, etc. But I think at the moment if my career as a researcher would for some reason not exist, I would like to be an air traffic controller. These are the people that route planes at airports and through airways.

    • Photo: Angela Marqui

      Angela Marqui answered on 14 Mar 2013:

      If I had never been a scientist, and would choose all again, I probably would choose to be a teacher or a psychologist. If I was going to do something from now onwards, taking into consideration my background, I would become a business consultant.

    • Photo: Marina De Vos

      Marina De Vos answered on 15 Mar 2013:

      Start a restaurant. I love cooking and experimenting with ingredients, flavours and textures
